16-17 October 2023
Northridge, CA, USA
Submit an extended abstract (around 1000 words, minimum of two pages and one significant figure) through The Combustion Institute website .
Submission steps:
Only electronic submissions in PDF will be accepted. Submitted papers must be written in English, must be at least two pages in length in 12-point font, must render without error using standard PDF viewing tools, must print on US letter-sized paper, and must include the author names and affiliations on the first page.
Papers should use the provided templates:
Note that at least one author of each paper accepted for presentation must be registered to attend the meeting.
Extended abstract submission opens: July 1, 2023. (11:59PM ET)
Extended abstract submission deadline: August 23, 2023. (11:59PM ET)
Extended abstract decision notification: August 29, 2023. (11:59PM ET)
Early registration deadline: September 7, 2023. (11:59PM ET)
Student travel award deadline: September 15, 2023. (11:59PM PT)
Online registration deadline: October 12, 2023. (11:59PM ET)