Call for Papers

Extended abstract are solicited for the 2023 Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of The Combustion Institute.

Papers should be submitted to one of the following colloquium topics:

  • Laminar Flames
  • Turbulent Flames
  • Fires and Fire Safety
  • Diagnostics
  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Biomass Combustion and Gasification
  • Soot and Nanomaterials
  • Stationary Combustion Systems
  • Sprays, Droplets, and Supercritical Combustion
  • Environmental Aspects of Combustion
  • Detonations, Explosions, and Supersonic Combustion
  • Internal Combustion, Gas Turbines, and Rocket Engines
  • Microcombustion and New Combustion Concepts
  • Numerical Methods and Machine Learning Techniques Applied to Combustion

Submissions will be accepted via an Extended Abstract in PDF form. The format is a minimum of two pages with at least one significant figure (approximate word count is 1000 words).

Instructions for formatting and submitting the extended abstract are available at the submission page.

Questions about the program should be directed to the Program Chair .
Questions about registration should be directed to the Combustion Institute .
If you have any problems or questions with this website, please contact us via e-mail at