Fall 2019
Albuquerque, NM, USA
Student travel award applications are now open for students in the Western States Section. The deadline for applications is September 20th.
The award (up to $150 per student) applies to students who are presenting at the meeting and are current members of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute. Applicants should apply using the online form.
The requirements for receiving a travel award are:
1) Membership in the Western States Section
2) Presentation of a paper
3) Confirmed advisor attendance
4) Registration as a student at your home institution
5) Non-local (travel distance > 50 miles)
After applicants submit the online form, they should have their advisor send a confirmation via email verifying the above five points by September 20th to Vi Rapp (VHRapp@lbl.gov). Please include “WSSCI Student Travel Award” in the email subject line.