WSSCI 2006 Fall Meeting
Boise State University, Boise, Idaho March 2006 \
- 06S-01 INVITED TALK: Feasibility of Biodiesel, Professor Chuck Peterson, University of Idaho, Chair: Judi Steciak, University of Idaho
- 06S-02 The NIST Real Fuels Chemical Kinetic Combustion Model Database, D.R. Burgess, Jr., T.C. Allison, J.A. Manion, and W. Tsang, NIST
- 06S-03 Pyrolysis of 2-Phenylethyl Phenyl Ether, M. Jarvis, University of Colorado at Boulder, and D. Dayton, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and J. Daily, University of Colorado at Boulder
- 06S-05 Extinction of Methanol Flames in Premixed Flows, U. Niemann, J.A.H. Aerts, S. Humer, and K. Seshadri, University of California, San Diego
- 06S-06 Non-catalytic Fuel Reforming of a Rich Hydrocarbon Fuel/Air Mixture, S. Marras, M. Dixon, and J. Ellzey, University of Texas at Austin
- 06S-07 Engine Performance with Biodiesel Derived from Novel Soybean Oil, P. Wang, J. VanGerpen, University of Idaho, and T. Clemente, University of Nebraska
- 06S-08 Enthalpy and Mixture Fraction Flamelet-Type Model for HCCI Applied to a Rapid Compression Machine, D. J. Cook, and H. Pitsch, Stanford University
- 06S-09 Comparison of Emissions Analyzers for Exhaust Sampling from IC Engines, D. Cordon, M. Harper, and S. Beyerlein, University of Idaho
- 06S-10 Effects of Ambient Density and Temperature on Diesel Soot Formation with Heavy EGR, L. Pickett, and C. Idicheria, Sandia National Laboratories
- 06S-11 NOx Trap Regeneration Using Hydrogen Gas Mixtures, G. Madhok, J. Boles, D. Cordon, and S. Beyerlein, University of Idaho
- 06S-12 Effect of Dye Laser Mode Structure on LIF Signals, J.W. Daily, University of Colorado at Boulder
- 06S-13 Schlieren Visualization of a Ceramic Micro-nozzle, D. Plumlee, J. Steciak, and R. Budwig, University of Idaho, A. Moll, M. McCrink, and A. Coulter, Boise State University
- 06S-14 Application of Simultaneous Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry and Double Pulsed Acetone Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence to Study of Turbulent Premixed Flames, M. Thariyan, S. Filatyev, R. Lucht, and J. Gore, Purdue University
- 06S-15 Methyl Concentration Time Histories during iso-Octane and n-Heptane Oxidation and Pyrolysis, D. Davidson, M. Oehlschlaeger, and R. Hanson, Stanford University
- 06S-16 Laser Induced Fluorescence Of Acetone Inside Burning Or Evaporating Droplets, D. Shringi, B.D. Shaw, and H.A. Dwyer, UC Davis
- 06S-17 INVITED TALK Soot: Progress and Problems, Professor Adel Sarofim, University of Utah, Chair: J. Ellzey, University of Texas, Austin
- 06S-18 Oxygen-Flue Gas Recycle Combustion: A Viable Option for New and Existing Coal Boilers, A.C. Bose, U.S. Department of Energy, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , P. Pranda, and F. Chatel-Pelage, American Air Liquide, Countryside, IL, H. Farzan, The Babcock & Wilcox Research Center, Alliance, OH (paper withdrawn)
- 06S-19 Modeling Upward Flame Spread Using a Time Varying B-Number, A.S. Rangwala, J.L. Torero, and S.G. Buckley, University of California, San Diego
- 06S-20 The Effects of Total and Oxygen Partial Pressures on Char Reactivity, L. Ma, and R.E. Mitchell, Stanford University
- 06S-21 Microgravity Flame Spread Rates over Samples of Polymer and Polymer/Glass Composites, D. Rich, C. Lautenberger, and C. Fernandez-Pello, University of California Berkeley
- 06S-22 Numerical and Analytical Examinations of Diffusion Flames Attached to Solid Fuel Surfaces in Weak Convective Flows, S. Jahangirian, and I.S. Wichman, Michigan State University
- 06S-23 Developing a Gasoline Direct Injection 2-Stroke Engine for Snowmobile Applications, N. Bradbury, J. Johnson, A. Findley, and K. DenBraven, University of Idaho
- 06S-24 Effects of Cooling Techniques on Flame Propagation in a Centimeter-Scale Four-Stroke Engine, J. Pompa, S. Karnani, and D. Dunn-Rankin, University of California, Irvine
- 06S-25 Effects of Simulated Liquefied Natural Gas Compositions on Combustion Stability For Gas Turbines, D. Straub, D. Ferguson, and G. Richards, U.S. DOE/National Energy Technology Laboratory, E. Robey, Parsons Technical Services
- 06S-26 Modeling and Testing Dual Plenum/Runner and Single Plenum/Runner, C. Dean, A. Olson, L. Osiensky, S. Zimmerman, D. Cordon, and Steve Beyerlein, University of Idaho
- 06S-27 Effect of EGR on Diesel Premixed-Burn Equivalence Ratio, C.A. Idicheria, and L.M. Pickett, Sandia National Laboratories
- 06S-28 Genetic Algorithms and the E/A Method: Determination of Species and Temperature, J. Varieth, and J. Baker, University of Alabama
- 06S-29 Molecular Modeling for Thermodynamic Properties, J.W. Daily, University of Colorado at Boulder
- 06S-30 Rate-Ratio Asymptotic Analysis of Autoignition of n-Heptane in Laminar Nonpremixed Flows, K. Seshadri, University of California, San Diego , N. Peters, and G. Paczko, Institut für Technische Verbrennung, Rhein.-Westf. Technische Hochschule Aachen
- 06S-31 Further Investigation of the Invariant Forms of Conservation Equations and their Application to the Theory of Laminar Flames, S.H. Sohrab, Northwestern University
- 06S-32 Superadiabatic Combustion in Counter-Current Burners, I. Schoegl, and J.L. Ellzey, University of Texas at Austin
- 06S-34 Catalytic Ignition of Aqueous Transportation Fuel: A State-of-the-Art Review, B. Lounsbury, and J. Steciak, University of Idaho
- 06S-35 Flashback Studies In A Lean Premixed Combustor Operating On Hydrogen/Natural Gas Fuel Blends, D. Straub, T. Sidwell, P. Strakey, and K. Casleton, U.S. DOE/National Energy Technology Laboratory
- 06S-36 Combustion Efficiency of Aqueous Ethanol in a CFR Engine Modified for Homogeneous Charge Catalytic Compression Ignition (HCCCI), M. Harper, D. Cordon, S. Beyerlein, and J. Steciak, University of Idaho
- 06S-37 Limitations of Empirically Derived Reduced-Order Models of Thermoacoustic Instabilities in Lean-Premixed Combustion, D.H. Ferguson, and G.A. Richards, National Energy Technology Laboratory (US DOE)
- 06S-38 Testing and Verification of a Ballistic Test Fixture and Data Acquisition System for Experimental Analysis of Bridge-Wire Initiators, K.K. Rink, A.C. DuBuisson, and C.K. Fischer, University of Idaho
- 06S-39 Relative Humidity and Hydrogen Explosion Limits: Strategies for Hydrogen Safety, Y. Li, and J. Baker, University of Alabama
- 06S-40 Observations on Upstream Flame Propagation in Ignited Hydrocarbon Jets, J. McCraw, N. Moore, and K Lyons, NC State University
- 06S-41 Experimental and Kinetic Modeling Study of Combustion of JP-8, its Surrogates and Reference Components in Laminar Nonpremixed Flows, S. Humer, Reinhard Seiser, K. Seshadri, University of California, San Diego, A. Frassoldati, S. Granata, T. Faravelli, and E. Ranzi, Politecnico di Milano
- 06S-42 Experimental Investigation of Fuel Autooxidation in the Presence of Ultrafine Powders, M. Sheldon, EERGC Corporation, Irvine, CA
- 06S-43 Magnetic Field Effects on Combustion Characteristics of Micro Flames, S. Swaminathan, and T.T. Charalampopoulos, Louisiana State University
- 06S-44 Feedback Control of Ion Current from a Small Diffusion Flame, F. Borgatelli, and D. Dunn-Rankin, University of California, Irvine
- 06S-45 Flame Shape Behavior of Diffusion Flames in Upward Decreasing Non-Uniform Magnetic Fields, S.S. Raju, and J. Baker, University of Alabama
- 06S-46 Numerical Simulation of a Laboratory-Scale Turbulent Slot Flame, J.F. Grcar, J.B. Bell, M.S. Day, M.J. Lijewski, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, J.F. Driscoll, University of Michigan, and S.A. Filatyev, Purdue University
- 06S-47 Effects of Co-Flow on Turbulent Lifted Flames near Blow-Out Conditions, N. Moore, J. McCraw, and K. Lyons, North Carolina State University
- 06S-48 Design and Fabrication of a Ballistic Gas Compressor for Calibration of Dynamic Pressure Sensors Used in Closed Vessel Testing, K.K. Rink, and R.A. Glass, University of Idaho
- 06S-49 Combustion in a Boundary Layer Above a Liquid-Fuel Film, L Colzani, T.K. Pham, D. Dunn-Rankin, and W.A. Sirignano, University of California, Irvine
- 06S-5 0 Heat Transfer and Flame Structure in Miniature Liquid Film Combustors, T.K. Pham, D. Dunn-Rankin, and W.A. Sirignano, UC Irvine
- 06S-51 The Feasibility of Mixture Fraction and Heat Loss Mapping for Characterizing Turbulent Non-Premixed Flames, N. Krishnamoorthy, D.R. Yeates, D.O. Lignell, J. Spinti and P.J. Smith, Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City